Introducting a May Swim Team Prep Clinic!

New for 2019! SDMS is now offering a Swim Team Prep Clinic for all novice and intermediate swimmers, whether they’re brand new to the sport of competitive swimming or a current SDMS swimmer.

While we always include skill development into our swim team practices, this clinic will expand on that effort. It is a great way to develop or improve upon swimming skills before the competitive season starts June 3.

Dates & Practice Details
Prep Camp | May 6-30
– Mon-Thurs 7:00-8:00PM
– No practice Memorial Day, May 27, 2019
– Practices are held at Lincoln High School
– $70 per swimmer
– Each practice will be dedicated to improving one specific skill (examples below)
– Additional coaches will be on deck to provide very detailed and extensive instructions and feedback in small groups (estimated ratio 1:6)
– The specific schedule of practice topics will be shared in advance
– The goal of the clinic to create and/or add to your swimmer’s foundation of skills before the focus expands to include training elements.

Practice Examples
– One practice would focus on turns. Coaches would break down all turn types, correcting any technique issues, streamline position and depth, ect.
– Another practice would focus on starts. Swimmers would work on their reaction times, entry angles, how to do a proper break-out stroke, ect.
– Other practices will include a stroke-specific focus (ex: backstroke)

This is a great opportunity to get 15 extra practices at the same price-per-practice rate as summer season, less than $5 a practice!