Current Session

SDMS is excited to announce we’ll be offering four three-week sessions of lessons in 2018! Unlike many other programs, SDMS offers morning and evening options for summer lessons.

Swim lessons are available for young swimmers ages 3-9 to begin learning the basics of swimming. Each class will have an in-water instructor. The program is designed for children who are not yet ready for club swimming. This could include being brand new to the water, some basic knowledge (floating/kicking, able to move arms/legs), or some moderate knowledge (able to swim, but less than 25 yards/one length). Your child will be assigned their class on the first day. We try to keep the ratio at 1:5 for classes. Read more about the classes here.

Class Sessions

Spring #1 | April 9-26
Mon/Tues/Thurs 6:00-6:30PM

Spring  #2 | May 7-24
Mon/Tues/Thurs 6:00-6:30PM

Summer #1 | June 12-28
Tues/Wed/Thurs 11:00-11:30AM
Tues/Wed/Thurs 5:30-6:00PM

Summer #2 | July 10-26
Tues/Wed/Thurs 11:00-11:30AM
Tues/Wed/Thurs 5:30-6:00PM

Each class has a 5 swimmer minimum. In the unlikely event a class doesn’t reach the minimum, you’ll be refunded your registration fee via Paypal.

Lincoln High School Roundhouse
Located on the back side of the high school off Loomis. A large sign marks the “Rails Swimming Entrance”

$45/session for nine lessons

Note: The lessons program is NOT for current club swimmers or swimmers that can meet our Novice club swimmer requirements.